UI Editor
Motivation / Goal
My motivation for this project was that it takes a lot of time and polish to move the UI to the desired place etc. Therefore the editor purpose was to make the design of the UI layouts easier and faster.
I created the editor as well as the components and the system.
UI Editor
UI Editor - made with Dear ImGui
UI Layout - canvas, json file to store the layout
UI Handler - saves/loads the layout, updates/renders the elements
Element - base object that has a id, name and transform
Component - transform and other attributes that fits the components usage
Save/Load Layout
Add/Remove Element/Component
Render order
Drag and drop textures
Change pixel shader
Button functions
Each element can have multiple components of different types, this works well because the element has a base transform, therefore you can offset the components transform for more flexibility. For example creating a main menu background but also have a text with the game title and be able to move the title anywhere, instead of creating a new element for only one purpose.
Functionality to move an element to front / back / forward / backwards.
We used Direct3D 11 SpriteBatch, so to change pixel and vertexshader for specific sprites such as SpriteMorph or Glitch effect was done as shown below.
The SpriteMorph uses a different vertex shader than the other sprites, the morph speed and radius for each vertex can be edited using the UI Editor.
SpriteSheet, in editor the amount of colums/rows and total playtime can be changed to fit the amount of animation frames and its speed.
Textfield, when its selected you can type.
- Copy / paste elements / components
- Parent / Child hierarchy like Unity for a cleaner hierarchy
- Add more components such as slider and animation (for the transform)